Environmental Interpretation and Compliance Specialists - We specialize in providing  our clients with a unique understanding of federal, state and local environmental regulations and laws, including RCRA, CERCLA, CWA, CAA, TSCA, and the Solid Waste Act.  Our expertise includes ensuring regulatory compliance associated with contaminated soils, groundwater, surface water, sediments, and air.  We also provide our clients with a specialized understanding of munitions and explosives of concern (MEC) investigation, remediation, and risk.

Regulatory Mediators/Facilitators - Our previous experience as environmental regulators provides our clients with the know-how to develop high quality environmental work products that achieve/exceed the legal requirements of federal, state and local governments.  We will work to develop partnering relationships between the regulated community, government officials, and the public, avoiding delays due to miscommunication and non-coordination.

RCRA and CERCLA Technical Experts - We assist our clients in developing technically and legally defensible work products associated with preliminary assessments/site investigations, remedial investigations/facility investigations, risk assessments, feasibility studies/corrective measures studies, decision documents/closure plans, long-term operations and maintenance plans and institutional controls.  We also provide expertise in Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans, Toxic Release Inventories (TRI), Greenhouse Gas Releases, State Voluntary Cleanups, and Underground Storage Tanks Investigation and Remediation.

Environmental Permit Writers - In addition to RCRA and CERCLA, we provide expertise in drafting environmental permits associated with the CAA, CWA, and the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES).

Technical Editors - We offer our clients first hand knowledge on drafting effective proposals, environmental management plans, investigation and feasibility study reports, closure plans and records of decision, health and safety plans, Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plans, and public newsletters and fact sheets.

Community Outreach Professionals - Through coordination with the public, we develop community relations plans that provide the opportunity for effective communication between the regulated community, the federal, state and local government, and communities.  We provide our clients with expertise in organizing citizen groups, facilitating public meetings and corresponding with the media.  

Who We Are